This morning finally I can drive my car to work.
The MOT, which is the mandatory yearly health test for the car had run out before I realised it so I have been taking the bus to work and have since booked myself and Fuzzer in for an appointment this afternoon so legally, I am allowed to drive it today.
So as I was pulling into a parking space at the Uni car park, I noticed a sticker on my right wing mirror... how I did not see it earlier while driving was beyond me... honest to god I do check my wing mirrors when I drive...
Anyway, back to this sticker... so when I spotted the sticker I was slightly annoyed as I know that it must be the work of one of the kids who were walking to the school just down the road from where I live.. sometimes I get some 'colourful' comments and thoughts scrawled on the windows of the car, especially when it's been a frosty night and the car windscreen and windows become a great canvas for their imaginative minds...
So this pink sticker looks like an ordinary sticker.... but upon close inspection of what it says I couldn't help myself but burst out laughing, and subsequently took a picture of it...
Can you see it?
For those of you who are slightly optically challenged, it says "The future Mrs. Pattinson"....and the writing is surrounded with lots of pink hearts...
Muahahahaha... who ever stuck the sticker there must have thought very highly of moi...
Those who are avid fans of the great Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer would know who Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen is and also they would know that he is absolutely D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. and gorgeous !!!
To be branded "The future Mrs. Pattinson"???!!!!!
Must be my lucky day!!! The sticker can stay there for a while I think...
Have a fantastic and restful weekend and hope to see you soon.
Merry Christmas 2024!
4 weeks ago
F.U.L.A.M.A.K. So this person knows about your penchant for Mr Pattinson then. He does look good in the movies but unfortunately in real life he doesn't quite exude the Edward magic. I take it back. Even in the movies Pattinson can't quite live up to the Edward I've imagined and embellished in my mind.
ash, i know exacctly what you mean.. in fact, i had a slight team change when i was watching New Moon and couldn't help but diverted my attention to the other side, ie, the wolf gang....
Ha ha ha, but it made your day! Sweet!
you have a stalker!!!!!!!!! ;-)
audrey, i thought i was exclusive.. but then when I told steve about the sticker, he told me that his dad got one on his car as well :(
Well, who knows? It may really a galaxy far, far,!
haha, yeah i know perry, that's why the sticker is still on my car.
well that comment from such a bummer!! here you are thinking that sticker is exclusively yours! how abt making one for steve and stick it on his car or something? *hint*
i meant THAT comment was such a bummer! Not from a bummer! LOL This is what happens when you type from so-called-Iphone...(nanti salah faham pulak apa yang Aniq babbling abt!) oh jeez, I envy blackberry users but now stuck with my Maxis line plan so malas nak change la. Tunggu phone ni jadi kaput then change but knowing my history with phone, it wont be long! ha ha...your blackberry post was so funny. :)
Happy New Year Peng lots and lots of noodles!
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