So last month, Steve rented the movie 'Twilight' because he thought that it was a chic-flick and that I would enjoy watching it (he'd seen it on the plane). Was he right about it or was he RIGHT about it?!!! Not only had I not fallen asleep (as I would with other movies, half an hour into the movie, regardless), after the film had finished, that night, I started reading the first book 'Twilight' and by the next day I was reading on the bus, on the toilet (i know, eeewe), at my lunch break, at my evening break at my second job.... basically I had my nose and face buried in the book whenever I can !! And when I can get away with it at work, I try to sneak a few searches here and there on the Internet on Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and reading every little petty news article about them !!! I was an adult with a TEENAGE OBSESSION over Twilight and anything to do with Twilight !!!
After I had finished reading the first and second book of the series which belonged to Steve's brother, I wasted no time in going out and getting myself the third and the fourth. Very sadly, I came to the end of the fourth book last week and I remembered when I was reaching the end of the book I was reading everything slowly, word by word, alphabet by alphabet (just picture everything in slow motion), trying to prolong this obsession that I have and to make the ending last longer than it should have been. Inevitably, it came to an end.
However, my obsession did not end there. I started researching the Internet for clips of the songs from the original soundtrack and started learning to play it on my digital piano. When I was given my most beloved digital piano as a Christmas gift last year, I had been meaning to get myself a proper pedal set because the pedal that came with the digital piano wasn't great and it was just a movable sustain floor pedal where you press down with your foot and the most annoying thing is that the pedal keeps moving further and further away as you press on it and before you know it you're stretching your leg painfully just to get to it. Eventually I just got used to it and never got round to getting the set.
So last weekend, pushed by my Twilight obsession, I made my Steve ring all the music stores around the Bournemouth and Poole areas, managed to track down a shop with the pedal set in stock and made him drive me out and got stuck in the usual Saturday shopping jam, just to get the pedal set! And I didn't even flinch or blink when I paid a total of 50pounds on my debit card for my pedal set so that I can play 'Eyes on Fire' properly on my piano !! Imagine that kind of obsession !! Not only that, not only that, I EVEN VIDEO-ED MYSELF PLAYING THE SONG !!!! how sad is that??!!
Oh by the way, am reading Twilight for the second time round...
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